When it comes to getting great results, it takes a lot of motivation and determination.
Motivation makes things happen, Determination gets it done
One of the best ways to improve your personal goal results is to master your motivation and find your drive.
If you can master motivation, you can deal with the setbacks life will throw at you, sometimes unexpectedly. You can also inspire yourself to always find a way forward, and create new experiences and successes for yourself.
In this post, I’ll demystify motivation and give you the motivation tools that really work.
1. Connect to your values.
This is the ultimate secret. If you can connect the amount of work you are doing to your values, even in very small ways, you can change your drive.
One of my values is continued learning and growth.
I search for ways to grow my skills in any situation. For example, I don’t just “call back a client.” I “accept a success story.” I don’t just “do an exercise.” I “master my profession.” I don’t just “get it done.” I “learn something new and progress.”
2. Find your WHY.
Figure out your ultimate purpose. Why do you need to lose the body fat? how will this make you feel? Turn this into a one-liner. For example, when I fall off the horse, I remind myself I’m here to “ensure others get the results and feel great about themselves.” This gets me back on track, sharing with them the best of my knowledge.
3. Change your WHY, understand your WHY.
Sometimes you find that you are doing things for the wrong reason. Are you working out because you think you should, or are you doing it because you have a real purpose to learn something new and improve your future? Just shifting your why can inspire your drive forward.
4. Change your HOW.
You can instantly find your exercise more enjoyable by shifting your thoughts from just getting them done, to doing them right. I think of it as mastering your yourself. Make it meaningful. Sometimes slower is better. Other times, the key is to make it a game and actually speed it up. You can set time limits and race against the clock or set a number of things to be done in a set time limit. Changing your how can get you out of ruts and find new ways to escape the mundane.
5. Remember the feeling.
Recalling old great memories in your head is one of the fastest ways to change how you feel.
Remember the feeling. How did you feel? Why did you feel that way? Take these feelings and the memory with you when you perform you next exercise?
When you feel really good, you find your motivation faster and you will do better.
6. Shift to past, present or the future.
Sometimes you need to be here, now, in the moment. Sometimes though the being right here is not the right place. The beauty of shifting is you can visualise a better future, or remember a much more enjoyable past.
At the same time, if you catch yourself dwelling on a painful past, get back to right here, right now, and find the joy in the moment or future. If you can’t visualise a great moment from your past – create one.
7. Take action.
Here’s a secret that once you know it, can change your life. Action can often come before the motivation kicks in.
You simply start doing your exercise programme and then your motivation kicks in. Nike was right with their saying “Just do it.” For example, I don’t always look forward to my workout, but once I start, I feel much better about myself”.
9. Link it to good feelings.
Find a way to link what you are doing to good feelings. For example, play your favourite song when you’re doing something you don’t like to do.
You have to play a song that makes you feel so great that it overshadows the activity. It’s hard to tell yourself you don’t like something when it feels so good.
10. Impress yourself first.
Set the bar for yourself, in other words do something that you feel impressed with when you have done it, like making it one more time to the gym or getting up super early to complete your new challenging workout. Connect your passion to get results to the activity and don’t depend on other people setting the standards. This makes your internal bar becomes your drive forward.
11. CHOOSE to weed your brain
If you tell yourself you “HAVE” to do this or you “MUST” do that or you “SHOULD” do this, you can weaken your motivation.
Choose to remove these words:
Try – You may never succeed if all you do is try
Should – Guilt word “I should go to the gym” and never do
Like – “I would like to lose the body fat” instead say “ I am going to”
But – A dream killer “I would like to lose the fat but I don’t have the time to exercise”
The power of choice and simply re-framing your language to CHOOSE can be incredibly empowering and exactly the motivating language you need to hear. Choose your words carefully and make them work for you.