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Aging How To Slow It Down – Naturally

We can’t avoid aging that’s a fact.  What does that mean for you? every year the number of years you have lived will increase but it’s not necessarily the case with your biological age.  Many people think that their body ages in just the same way… but that’s just not the case.

There are some very important things you can do to help slow down your biological aging to keep you feeling young, agile and full of energy.  There is one thing in particular that makes a huge impact, when it comes to boosting your youth-enhancing hormone.

Before I show you the one simple step you can right now to slow your aging process.  I want to talk a little about an age-related condition that begins at middle-age and continues for the rest of your life.

This condition is called somatopauseaging

What is Somatopause?

This condition is a gradual and progressive decline in human growth hormone (HGH) which is secreted by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. This decline usually begins around middle age and continues throughout the rest of your life.  Which is why somatopause is often referred to as the “middle-age spread.”

Growth hormones are produced naturally within your body throughout your life, but you have more HGH when you are young.  As the natural aging process occurs and your growth hormone levels begin to decrease, you’ll notice a number of changes to your body:

  • Decrease in lean body mass (muscle atrophy)
  • Weight gain, especially in the belly and hips area, without a change in diet
  • Loss of bone density
  • Lower energy levels
  • Decrease in good cholesterol
  • Increase in bad cholesterol

As you may have guessed, there are many other factors that can also cause these symptoms but the one fact is that the decline in HGH is one.  This is the one crucial hormone that needs to be fixed, to enable you to slow your aging process and remove the “middle-age spread”.

Solutions for Somatopause

Doctors have found two main solutions to slow the aging process (somatopause) the first I would NOT recommend to anyone, not just because of their extortionate cost but because of the countless serious side effects that can occur. I would always recommend option 2.

  1. Growth hormone injections to replace the loss of growth hormones within your body. Although it’s considered medically safe, it must be administered and carefully monitored by a qualified physician. Most people who suffer from somatopause don’t have growth hormone levels low enough to require injections.
  2. The most natural and most effective option is to exercise. Executing the RIGHT exercise has shown to be very effective at triggering growth hormone secretion and slowing down you body’s aging process.

Combatting Aging Effectively With Exerciseaging

The key to triggering your growth hormone with exercise is the intensity of the exercise, not volume or time.  Quality over quantity is what matters, when it comes to reversing the “middle-age spread”.

Performing short, intense bursts of exercise followed by periods of rest is the most effective workout solution to anti aging.  Exercise programmes can vary from doing sprints training, to performing full body exercises, like the ones I recommend and perform with my clients.

If you’ve never done short bursts of intense exercise, you should definitely start out easy.  Start with one or two short bursts of exercise done at 60% effort level (level 4 RPE) and then slowly begin to increase the length and frequency of these exercise bouts.  Performing any kind of exercise with close to maximum (RPE 7-10) exertion takes a big hit on your body, so it’s important to work your way up gradually and progressively.

Here’s a sample anti aging workout:

How to carry out the programme

Warm up for 5 minutes.   You should be slightly sweating before you begin the programme.

Perform each exercise at 90 to 95% of your max effort level for 30 seconds, followed by 1 – 2 minute rest.  How long you rest is up to you.  The goal is to feel like you’ve recovered enough between each exercise, so that you can give your best effort every time.  Listen to your body and if you feel like you need more than 1-2 minutes rest, then take more.

Warm up…


Kettlebell Swing / Wide Squat Jumps

Military Press

Reverse Prisoner Lunges (weighted)

Power squat jumps

Walkout to press-up.

Military Press (low plank to high pike)

Sprint Starts

Plank Jacks

Squat Thrust

Russian Twist

Cool Down & Stretch

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