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Exercise For Depression Telford

Exercise For DepressionExercise for depression -How can exercise help? There are many studies that show people who exercise regularly benefit from a positive mental lift in their mood and have lower rates of depression.

What Are the Benefits of Exercise With Depression?

One of the main benefits of regular exercise is an improved self-esteem. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins these are the body’s natural feel good chemicals, and when they are released through exercise, your mood is boosted naturally even if you only exercise for a short time. I always find that after I have had a good workout I am much happier and feel ready to take on the world.

What Are The Best Exercises To Release Eendorphins?

The best type of exercises for improving your mood are cardiovascular exercises. This is because vigorous exercise helps to release the chemicals necessary for the mood-raising high. Yoga and pilates type exercises are also great for reducing tension and stress and therefore improving your mood. They both focus on stretching, breathing, and movement that release negative emotions.

Exercise For Depression – Regular exercise has been proven to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Improve sleep

 Exercise also has these added health benefits:

  • Strengthens your heart.
  • Increases energy levels.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves muscle tone and strength.
  • Strengthens and builds bones.
  • Helps reduce body fat and manages your weight
  • Makes you look fit, strong and healthy.

depression and exercise, I see it regularly people getting increasingly depressed with their weight and the way they look and even more so wheexercise for depressionn they they see they have only lost 1lb. What they don’t realise is that they have made FANTASTIC progress. 1lb of body fat is equivelent to 3,500 calories which is around 2 hours running on a treadmill or 2-3 sessions with personal trainer Stuart at Ideal Fitness personal training Telford.

Exercise For Depression – Can Exercise Be A Treatment?

Many studies and research has shown that exercise is an effective and underused treatment for mild to moderate depression.

How Can You Decide What Types of Exercise to Do?

Before you begin an exercise programme for depression, here are some questions you should consider:

  • What physical activities do you enjoy?
  • Do you prefer group or individual activities?
  • What programmes best fit yours schedule?
  • Do you have any physical conditions that limit my choice of exercise?
  • What goals do you have in mind? (e.g. weight loss, strengthening muscles, building muscle or mood enhancement)

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